welc0me m0ther l0vers!!^^

welcome m0ther l0vers, i'm a nice person. Period!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Friend-Oriented BBQ

Cool! My first reunion with friends and buddies~ It was a lot of fun doing this kind of stuff, it warms you inside, crap like that. However getting to the rendezvous was quite the challenged. It was during the night and i hadn't familiarized myself with the roads. I even made the wrong turn and got lost in the process. How the fuck should i know right? Heck, i even thought i saw a ghost. My heart was beating fast like a drummer beating his drum, fast, it was crazy shit but with closer inspection i realised it was just my figment of imagination. I tell you, the roots that was dangling on the tree really scared the shit out of me but i kept my cool, oyesh~ The foods and delicacies there were quite mouth watering, it was not undelicious..lol. Chatting and joking, it was a happy time. The strong wind really provided the feeling like we were on the beach, lol. Plus we could see airplanes come and go, annoyed us with it's thunderous sound because the airport was neared.The stupid thing that happened to me though was that i intended to ask  my budds about stuffs, some important stuffs but i had a short term memory lost that night due to the joy of meeting friends that resulted to not have the chanced to do so. Dang it! Overall, everything works out pretty well and i had a blast, i hope we would do stuff like this again soon. see ya!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Quest for my L license..~^^

Oyes!! I am one step further of becoming a full-fledged motorist! I went to the workshop the other day and it was, how u would say, interesting, kinda..the instructors were bloody hilarious at the very least with their stupid jokes and shit, some didnt count as a joke but that very fact makes it a joke, a stupid one, still funny nevertheless..Fuck that, now i know the full detail and how the mechanism of traffic works..its a bit of overload for my beautiful yet wonderful brain to memorize all the crap but i'll live~ the stupid part about this program is that i have to spend 8 of my elegant hours in riding the 'motorrad' at the respective tracks..its a waste of time but that's the bloody criteria..oh well^^~ still, before i do that i have to pass the law exam first, or else i would have to book a ticket for repetition..its a waste on both of my money and time^^..After all that shit and crap though, in the end, one beneficial L license for me!^^

Thursday, January 6, 2011

wh@zzup!! ^^

hey2, this is the first time  i post a post ( repeatition, i know ^^), so please be gentle with me, lol^^. im still nub with this kind of stuff and i think i will stay that way for a period of time but who knows right? i might as well get addicted with this crap..lol^^. i created my own blog out of curiousity because my friends hav done it and i thought, " heck, i will give it a try!" so yeah, yay me!!^^ i know, maybe i just babbling alone here but fuck that, it gives me purpose, so 1 point for me^^  i will post stuff accordingly, depending on exciting event that is worthy to be posted, it might occur rarely but thats life..^^ so yeh, my first, and i guess that is it!! good day (depending on your own version of good day lol ^^) see ya and i would'nt want to be ya^^

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